hex tables

These tables has been made out of reclaimed material only.

The wood pieces in each table can be one of 100s of different types of wood! Before it got to us, each piece was a part of it’s own family, it lived somewhere else around the world, it was later cut down and transformed to commercial wood and eventually joined together to become a shipping pallet, only God knows where each pallet came from and what it carried on top of it! All we know is that these lovely pieces of wood, coming from different pallets from different parts of the world, different types, and tree families, has a very long and sincere story.


After we carefully disassemble these pallets, we treat them, and make sure that we give them a new life that will be as respectful as they deserve.

Over 100 people worked together to make this table possible, scouting for material, designing, re-purposing the material, fabrication of different parts, transportation, marketing and spreading the word! All with love and in one thing in mind! “How can we positively contribute to our lovely mother earth?”

Not only that, we also decided to take this one step further. Yes we want to save as much abandoned as possible, but that is not good enough. Hence, for each table you get, we will plant a real life tree somewhere around the world. It is our way of saying: “We truly care.”

Then comes you! Your values brought you to invest your honestly earned money to support the universal cause of making earth a better place to live! You are an essential part of the cycle of life and our business so on behalf of the many people who worked on this table and on behalf of mother earth, we want to say: Thank you.